The President declares war on Climate Change. He may instead end life on earth.

“Robert Jenkins is Vice President of the USA. He took the position of running mate to the populist and erratic maverick, Angus Probin, when neither thought that Probin could be elected. They made an agreement. They would govern together with the respected and experienced Jenkins providing wisdom and good governance while the President would be the populist entrepreneur, the ideas man of the Presidency. Now well into the first term of the Presidency, Jenkins finds the President is running off the rails and paying little attention to Jenkins. He proposes a War on Climate Change to give himself relevance and silence the growing critics of the Administration. The President agrees and puts Robert in charge. Jenkins proposes military action to create volcanic winter then finds it has deadly consequences. He tries to stop it but finds the President has committed to launch it. Robert is alarmed, then terrified, but helpless to stop the by now runaway President. He learns that he has seven days to halt a plan that the demented President believes will halt climate change. Robert believes it could end life on earth.”


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