Volcanic Winter principal characters

In an earlier blog post I described how improbable was the original plot for Volcanic Winter. It needed an out of control, impulsive, obsessed ruler of a nation with massive military power. I could not imagine such a character.

By 2018 I didn’t need to imagine such a character; there were at least two or three in real life.

Volcanic Winter is a work of fiction and the characters are imaginary. The President is Angus Probin, a large and brash man obsessed with himself and his image. His compliant Vice President is the unlikely hero, Robert Jenkins.

Readers might assume that these characters resemble real people. It is true that real people inspired these characters, but otherwise they are creations of my own. Because the characters in Volcanic Winter were inspired by real people, the story represents a situation that could really happen. It reflects the improbable times in which we find ourselves.



Mark Rutherford